denver west bike loop

West Denver Bike Loop

West Denver Bike Loop   Jan 30th

Saturday, July 30. Biking to breweries is practically a rite of passage in Denver, and the recurring West Denver Bike Loop makes it easy with themed monthly rides that take people to four breweries, Hogshead, Odell Sloan’s Lake, Joyride and WestFax. Today’s starts off at Hogshead Brewery, 4460 W. 29th Ave., and the theme is “no spandex OR all spandex.”

Enjoy $1 off a beer at each brewery when you bike the loop; complete the entire loop and earn a free beer. Join the fun at 11:30 a.m. – and the ride begins at 12:15 p.m. – or do it on your own (pick up your punch card at any of the participating breweries).


Jul 30 2022


Fun starts at 11:30, Ride begins at 12:15
11:30 am


Hogshead Brewery
4460 W 29th Ave.

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