PaleOMG Coffee Marinated Steak Fajitas

If you are a paleo guy or girl, and you love coffee, and love fajitas…this recipe will put you in heaven.  The prep time is short, the cook time is shorter…but let the beef marinate in that “plastic bag full of happiness” for a very long time…overnight!

Props to Juli Bauer and her awesome book and site, Paleomg.  Please check it out!! 

If she asks you where you heard about her from, just tell her it was that guy in the gym that bought her book…  LOL   




  • For the marinade

  • 1.5 cups Chameleon Cold Brew Coffee

  • 1 tablespoon Coconut Aminos

  • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar

  • 1 teaspoon chili powder

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • For the rub

  • 2 tablespoons of your favorite ground coffee

  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin

  • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika

  • salt and pepper, to taste

  • For the fajitas

  • 1lb  Sirloin Steak

  • 1 red onion, sliced

  • 1 poblano pepper, sliced julienne style

  • 1 yellow bell pepper, sliced julienne style

  • 1 orange bell pepper, sliced julienne style

  • 2 tablespoons fat (I used bacon fat)

  • Juice of 2 limes

  • Juice of 1/2 lemon


  • You should marinate overnight. If you can’t do that, at least marinate for a couple hours. Just throw all the marinating ingredients into a big plastic baggy along with your sirloin steak and throw it in the fridge to marinade all night long. A plastic bag full of happiness.
  • Once your steak is done marinating, place your rub seasonings on a plate, pull your steaks out of the marinade, and cover the steaks on both sides with the rub.
  • Heat up a skillet with 1 tablespoon of fat (I used bacon fat) and when the skillet is super hot, add your sirloin steak to it. Mine was pretty thick so I could it on both sides for about 5 minutes. You only want to flip your steak once because you don’t want to overcook it! So don’t touch it a ton. It’ll do the work.
  • While your steak is cooking, heat up another skillet with another tablespoon of fat and add your onions, poblano pepper, and bell peppers.
  • Let your veggies cook down, stirring randomly to make sure they do not burn.
  • Once your sirloin steaks are done cooking, pull them on the stovetop on let sit for about 5 minutes. There are a ton of juices in there and you don’t want them to juice out! Let the meat rest!!
  • When you meat has rested, thinly slice the steak and throw in your pan with your fully cooked veggies. Squeeze the lime and lemon on top! You just want to incorporate some of the steak juices and flavors so it shouldn’t be for on the stop for more than 20 seconds. If it’s longer, the meat may get too cooked and be tough.
  • Salt and pepper the fajitas and serve with a side of guac or sliced avocado!

Check out other great recipes at Cooking Out Loud!

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