A Memorial Bike Ride Will Honor The Life of Magnus White, A Teen Cyclist Hit And Killed In July ’23 in Boulder County

“Ride for Magnus: Ride for Your Life”

Almost a year ago, July 29, 2023,  a 17-year-old, Magnus White, was hit and killed  by a driver along Highway 119 in Boulder County.  The death of this rising U.S. Cycling star was not only tragic, but preventable. 

A memorial bike ride this summer will honor the life and legacy Magnus White with The Ride For Magnus.

The White Line, a nonprofit created after his death to inspire cyclists and create change for bicycle safety, announced the Ride for Magnus: Ride for Your Life on Monday. The 13.5-mile memorial bike ride is scheduled for Aug. 11 and will start at 10 a.m. at Farrand Field, located at 2200 Baker Drive on the University of Colorado Boulder’s campus. The route goes north to Jay Road, east to westbound Diagonal Highway (Highway 119) and slightly beyond the crash site before turning around and taking the same route back to CU Boulder.

magnus white ghost bike

As all westbound lanes of the Diagonal Highway will be closed for this event, the nonprofit said a “special memorial activity” will happen as the group of cyclists pass the crash site.

The White Line_Ride for Magnus White

The death of Magnus White was as preventable as it was tragic. It’s time to stand up and urge our leaders to take action to prevent cycling and pedestrian deaths on our roadways.

Once the bicyclists return to the CU Boulder campus, the nonprofit will hold a rally and will introduce a legislative effort, the nonprofit said. It said that effort will focus on “reforming penalties for injuring or causing death to vulnerable road users,” and they hope it serves as a deterrent and forces drivers to be more responsible behind the wheel.

To register for the memorial ride, click here. Options to participate by walking around the campus or a virtual ride will be available.

Please join us on August 11, 2024 as we ride for Magnus in what we are hoping will  be the largest advocacy bike ride in the nations history, as we call for better laws and improved infrastructure to protect cyclists and other vulnerable road users.  

More information is available at TheWhiteLine.org

We hope to see you there

Gary Robinson, Colorado Avid Cyclist

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