
Colorado Avid Cyclist Community Outreach Program

Colorado traffic deaths dropped in 2023.  That was not the case for cycling fatalities.  CDOT reported 20 cyclists were killed in 2023 by motorists, which was a 33% increase from 2022, which set a record in Colorado.  It seems that unless someone is directly impacted by traffic violence, it has become almost normalized.  

Colorado Avid Cyclist has been a supporter of several organizations that are in the bicycle advocacy arena.  Below are some of the groups and organizations that fall in that wheelhouse.  All of these, sadly have a story or stories behind them.  We encourage anyone who rides a bike to support one or more of these amazing organizations.  

If you have, or know of, an organization that needs to be added to this page, please reach out to us at [email protected].  Ride On!

Let's do this

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