Bicycle Colorado Helps Make Colorado a Better Place to Bike

Bicycle Colorado advocates for everyone who rides a bike. We are proud to sponsor and partner with this awesome organization, and here is why!

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Bicycle Colorado is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Denver. Our mission is to lead a passionate and growing movement that champions the interests of everyone who rides or could ride a bicycle in our state.

For 30 years, we’ve used advocacy, education and passion to make Colorado one of the most bicycle-friendly states in the nation. We encourage and promote bicycling, increase safety, improve conditions and provide a voice for people who ride bicycles in Colorado. We represent people who ride for fun, transportation, necessity and any other reason. With the support of our members and numerous partnerships across the public and private sector, we’ve made significant strides in improving bicycling since 1992.

Bicycle Colorado is a membership based organization with about 10,000 members across the state that give regularly to support our vision and mission and make it possible for our stellar team to do our work.

Our vision

We envision a Colorado where riding a bicycle is always safe and convenient for everyone, where bicycling is the top choice for recreation and everyday trips, and where the benefits of bicycling are experienced and valued by all people in our state.

Our mission

Our mission is to lead a passionate and growing movement that champions the interests of everyone who rides or wants to ride a bicycle in our state.

Creating better biking through policy


The Bicycle Colorado policy team works with city, state and federal leaders to advocate for policies that keep people riding bikes safe and that encourage biking for transportation and recreation in Colorado.

Recent wins include the 2020 Bike Lane Bill, SB 20-061, defining a bike lane in Colorado law for the first time, and establishing that bicyclists have the right-of-way in all circumstances when using a bike lane; the 2022 Safety Stop bill, HB 22-1028, expanding statewide permission for bicyclists and other low-speed conveyance users to treat red lights as stop signs and stop signs as yield signs; and participating in the pilot project to create programming to give eBikes to low-income essential workers in multiple communities in Colorado. The latter has led directly to the creation of a new eBike rebate program in Denver as well as a dedicated funding source for similar rebates across the state.

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Some of our other policy achievements of the last 30 years include:

  • Gaining hundreds of miles of new shoulders for riding bicycles on state roads
  • Changing the law to allow side-by-side riding when it’s safe to do so
  • Changing the law to require drivers to give bicyclists 3 feet when passing, allowing drivers to cross a double-yellow line to safely pass
  • Changing the law so the practice of “rolling coal” is no longer legal
  • Protecting and improving important mountain bike trails, and ensured mountain biker representation in planning and preserving open space
  • Ending bicycle bans around the state, including bans on riding bikes on specific roads, on racing events and even on bringing your bike on light rail trains
  • Tightening the hit-and-run loophole to make possible penalties equal to drunk driving

Education team activities

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We provide resources, knowledge, and skills for all ages and levels of riders … and even drivers! From learning how to ride to legally and safely navigating streets and trails, we’re here to help.

  • Teaching Learn to Ride lessons for both children and adults
  • Providing Confident Commuting presentations for workplaces and small groups to help people become bike commuters
  • Teaching tailored presentations and lessons in classrooms and leading bike rodeos
  • Developing a digital curriculum to educate new drivers on rules of the road and navigating safely around other road users like people riding bikes
  • And more!

We’ve served more than 92,000 students and taught about 500 people, both children and adults, how to ride a bike.

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Our education team is continuously building a growing library of resources on Bicycle Colorado’s Vimeo page, including full webinar recordings and short videos on bike commuting, mechanics, skills, and safety tips.

Support us

If you’d like to support the work that we do for better bicycling in Colorado, please join us as a sustaining member or donate. Bicycle Colorado members get perks including stickers, socks, bicycle event registration discounts and more.

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Strava: Bicycle Colorado club


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